Zero emission buildings – what should you know about them?
Construction and renovation

Zero emission buildings – what should you know about them?

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Did you know that every year the real estate market produces almost 500 million tons of waste in Europe alone? No wonder the industry has taken notice of this pressing problem and is taking the first steps towards a better tomorrow. What are zero emission buildings and how do they impact the environment? We dispel doubts about the green future of the real estate industry

What are zero carbon buildings made of?

Simply put, zero carbon buildings are made from building materials that are recycled, biodegradable, zero waste or natural. Although Portland cement is still the most commonly used building material, one of the goals of Zero Emission Buildings is to reduce the use of this material in the construction industry. Why? During cement production gigantic amounts of carbon dioxide are released into the atmosphere, which significantly affects air quality. This is the main reason why the construction industry should significantly reduce the use of energy-intensive raw materials. Sustainable materials that do not degrade the environment, as mentioned above, can help. This is why materials derived from renewable or recycled sources are ideal. In the latter case, it is important that these are products that can be reused after demolition – they can be walls, floors or roofs of already existing structures. Such materials that will not generate unnecessary waste during extraction and production will also work well. Another great option for zero carbon buildings is to use simple materials – made up of as few components as possible that are also natural and safe for the environment. But not all materials will leave no waste. In zero carbon construction, however, it is important to pay special attention to whether the waste is volatile compounds and chemicals that have adverse effects on the environment and human health.

See also: Materials used in modern construction.

What electricity do they use?

Zero-emission buildings are not just about biodegradable, natural building materials. The source of electricity used for heating, among other things, plays an equally important role here. There is a complete departure from traditional methods, i.e. obtaining energy from non-renewable sources and using hard coal. It is very important to reduce the carbon footprint that the real estate industry leaves behind, hence the growing interest in alternative energy sources such as photovoltaic installations and wind generators. In addition to the huge environmental benefit, such a solution is also extremely convenient for the user of a zero carbon building. Photovoltaics does not require special maintenance, apart from the mandatory inspection once every five years.

Main Photo: lucascgouvea0/

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